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  • Robert R. Davis

It's Just Global Warming, Right?

“Many of us in the US have experienced 90-degree heat or hotter in the past week. More than 80% of us have, and we aren't alone. China is experiencing unbearable heat and locations in Europe were pushing the thermometer where it had never been before last week.

Harbingers of doom, is what an anchor said as she lashed out at a meteorologist over the heat wave reporting. And not that I want to be the harbinger of doom stated Judson Jones (CNN Meteorologist), but outside-the-normal heat is here to stay. There have been 34 all-time heat records in the US already this year, and only one cold high-temperature record.

Globally, there have been 118 all-time hot records and only 10 all-time cold high temperatures.

This is precisely what we expect with a warming world. With climate change, we may still see some cold records but over time, we will see far less of them and many more heat records.

The scary thing is heat deaths have outpaced hurricane deaths by more than 15-to-1 over the past decade, according to data tracked by the National Weather Service. Making it a "silent killer." What makes it even more difficult to swallow is heat, despite affecting everyone, is more likely to affect those below the poverty line.”

Science can tell us the factors that cause global warming and we can trace the origins of these problems back to humanity. However, the fact remains the Bible predicted these occurrences long before we even knew about things like air pollution and climate change. Look at Revelation chapter sixteen, the seven bowls.

8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name

of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

Revelation 16:8, 9

This 4th bowl seems to differ from the pattern of the first three trumpets and bowls, instead of a continuing and darkening of the sun (fourth trumpet). The sun’s rays begin to scorch men. The fourth trumpet depicted a darkening of the sun, through pollution. This bowl indicates some type of blistering heat from the sun.

In reality this too is a continuation of the fourth trumpet; although the symptoms are different, the causes are the same. It appears the factors that contributed to the hazing effect (pollutants) will eventually cause the sun to sear humanity (aka heat waves). In other words, “Global Warming” will not be properly addressed prior to the rapture and will become an even greater issue than it is now, in the future. It is time to open our eyes and see the spiritual implications of what we see around us. All of these things are meant to turn us back to God, in other words, repentance.


Holy Bible, King James Version (KJV)


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